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I am the author, creator, and Mom behind Dyslexia Mom Life.

Meet Nicole

When your daughter is learning how to decode sounds and spending hours in remediation each month, you want her to have some success with reading. There are so many great children’s books, but you aren’t sure which books are best for children with dyslexia. It’s sometimes a challenge to find a book that is at […]

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Technology plays such a large role in our children’s lives today (rather we like it or not). Why not embrace technology and figure out the best tech tools to help our children with dyslexia? Our daughter, Haddie, can figure out how to use technology quicker than we can any day of the week. She spends […]

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Would you describe your daughter as tired and exhausted? Think about her daily schedule. School begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m. then it’s off to after-school activities for your daughter and her brothers. Does your schedule look like this? Speech therapy 30 minutes a week, vision therapy 1 hour a week, occupational […]

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Does your “To Do” list look anything like this . . . you need to pick up your order at Wal-Mart pick-up, iron your child’s school clothes for the week, make lunches/snack for the day/week, wash your favorite outfit for work, pick up a card for your husband’s birthday, and on and on and on?  […]

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While at soccer practice, you hear some moms talking about “remediation” and “breaking the code” for their daughters who are going to a local reading tutor. And, you thought “what does that mean exactly?” It’s just so much to learn about when you realize your child is dyslexic. I remember trying to learn everything (at […]

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During a recent road trip to see your sister, your son listened to an entire book on your Audible app. He was able to tell his cousins about the book down to almost every detail about the story. You realize this would be an excellent accommodation for his classes too. Since your son is struggling […]

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