Welcome, I am so glad that you are here. You can take a deep breath, exhale, and relax, you got this! I promise. It may not feel like it today, but you are on the right path.
Parenting a child with dyslexia will be challenging as they struggle through classes, homework, projects, and friendships, but it will also be rewarding to see your child grow and embrace his or her strengths with your guidance and support. Each season will bring new challenges, so don’t be too hard on yourself. You got this!
LISTEN: Apple | Stitcher Parenting children with dyslexia in today’s ever-changing world can feel overwhelming. Jen Woodward, the founder of Dyslexia Mind Mastery, is helping moms who are overwhelmed learn how to reframe their mindset. Jen created Dyslexia Mind Mastery to help parents raise empowered, dyslexic children. What You’ll Learn Mind Mastery Tools for Moms […]