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Last weekend, I was so anxious about Monday and the upcoming week. Why? Haddie starts school on Monday (in-person) for the first time in 5 months. It’s like starting school for the first time. Don’t you agree? Or if you are still learning online it’s like the summer that never ended, right? What led up to my anxiety this weekend, I think started earlier in the week. On Wednesday, I attended an orientation at Haddie’s school. I was almost in tears when I realized the pandemic was now robbing me of the chance to walk through the school and visit the new fourth-grade classroom. This will be the first time since Pre-K that I haven’t walked into her classroom before school starts. To be honest, I felt like I was letting her down more than feeling like I was missing out (although that feeling was there too). She was nervous about going to fourth grade and I hated I couldn’t be there to hold her hand. Our future is changing right before our eyes ~ what we are used to doing is changing and we have no control over it. It seems like the world is nothing but chaos and we are getting lost in it. How can I survive and not get swept up in the chaos and feelings of overwhelm and stress? Can you relate?
I recently chatted with my friend, Jamie Jackson Spannhake, and we talked all about feelings of overwhelm and the new future we are all starting to build. I am sharing our conversation with you today. It is perfect timing as we start this new, not sure what to expect, school year.
You are going to love Jamie! Jamie Jackson Spannhake is a lawyer, writer, mediator, speaker, certified health coach, and parent. Her mission is to help people with competing responsibilities enjoy their busy lives without feeling overwhelmed.

I highly recommend Jamie’s book, The Lawyer, the Lion, & the Laundry. It will help you clarify your desires so you can reclaim your time and enjoy your life. You may be wondering what this has to do with raising a child with dyslexia. Well, everything! If you don’t take time to clarify your values, choose what is important to you, and figure out how to use your support network then you are going to feel like you are drowning. Hey, we’ve all been there. It’s just the society we live in today. But, it doesn’t have to be that way! I learned the hard way that I have to get in the right mindset to be the best mom, wife, daughter, employee, and business owner. Jamie’s book will help you do just that – find your calm in the chaos. You got this!
Be sure to listen to our continued conversation, Finding Your Calm in the Chaos Part 2.
Want to learn more from Jamie? Here are the ways you can find and connect with her –
- Website: www.JamieSpannhake.com
- Facebook: @LawyerLionLaundry
- Instagram: @LawyerLionLaundry
- Twitter: @IdealYear
- LinkedIn: @jamiespannhake
- Pinterest: @jamiejspannhake
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