Welcome, I am so glad that you are here. You can take a deep breath, exhale, and relax, you got this! I promise. It may not feel like it today, but you are on the right path.
Parenting a child with dyslexia will be challenging as they struggle through classes, homework, projects, and friendships, but it will also be rewarding to see your child grow and embrace his or her strengths with your guidance and support. Each season will bring new challenges, so don’t be too hard on yourself. You got this!
Talk about dyslexia with confidence. Sharing with your child, your child’s school, and your family what it really means to be dyslexic.
Build a thriving relationship with your dyslexic child.
Embrace a growth mindset for you and the way you parent your child with dyslexia.
TUNE IN: APPLE PODCASTS | STITCHER | SPOTIFY After 31 years of marriage, Nicole and Chris went on a marriage retreat! This was not just any retreat, but a retreat for parents raising children with special needs called “Together in the Journey”. The retreat was over two nights (Friday through Sunday at Winshape on Berry […]
TUNE IN: APPLE PODCASTS | STITCHER | SPOTIFY With over 125 episodes and 100,000 downloads, Dyslexia Mom Life has come a long way since we first hit record in June 2020. If you are new to the podcast, welcome, if you are already a fan of the show, thank you for being here! I am […]
TUNE IN: APPLE PODCASTS | STITCHER | SPOTIFY When you learn your child is dyslexic, you may feel lost and not know where to go for advice. That is one bright spot about dyslexia – the dyslexia community. You can find support from local moms who are walking the dyslexia parenting journey or reach out […]
TUNE IN: APPLE PODCASTS | STITCHER | SPOTIFY Christin and Abby are two moms also on the dyslexia parenting journey who know it can be hard but are willing to do what it takes to preserve the hope, confidence, and giftedness of the world changers we are raising. Dyslexia Together helps families make connections around […]
TUNE IN: APPLE PODCASTS | STITCHER | SPOTIFY When we expect our kids to make mistakes, we open the door to greatness. We learn so much from what does not work as we do from what does work. But, when you focus only on your child’s weaknesses, they do too. Dyslexic children often feel defeated […]
TUNE IN: APPLE PODCASTS | STITCHER | SPOTIFY What would our world be like without a light bulb, phone, cellphone, car, an airplane? What you might not know is that all of these inventions were made possible by dyslexic inventors and dyslexic thinking. 5 Greatest Inventions Made By Dyslexics Light Bulb, Thomas Edison Car, Henry […]
I am the author, creator, and Mom behind Dyslexia Mom Life. We learned our daughter was dyslexic when she was in first grade. I am passionate about helping moms raise healthy, happy, and thriving dyslexic sons and daughters. Moms find me when their son or daughter is first diagnosed with dyslexia and are struggling to make sense of this new world and when they are struggling with the daily grind of raising dyslexic children. Together we laugh, cry, and figure out how to live each day intentionally.
Dyslexia is what some call an invisible disability. Your family, friends, and neighbors will not see the learning difference of dyslexia. Many people will not understand your daily struggles and say things like, read to your child more or she should study more or try harder in school. Most are well-meaning comments, but they are also inaccurate and many times hurtful. Your child’s brain literally processes language differently from everyone else. Guess what? That is not a bad thing. Your child’s dyslexic brain will help her do amazing things, if you help her to believe that she can do anything. Help her to see who she will become in the future.
The Dyslexia Battle Blueprint
A Beginner's Guide
My Top 10 Podcast Episodes